Blog about a favorite event of your adulthood.
Ok - so let's assume that getting married and having the kids were the best things that happened to me in my adulthood. That's the obvious, although very true answer. Trying to dig into something a little more obscure - hmmmm... I asked Dave about his memories to see his response.
His answer was this, "When something happens that you didn't plan - for example, Thanksgiving in October 2006. Those times are the best"
That was a great day - here is the story... (Thanks Dave)
While the turkey was in the oven on low we decided to go over to the Kim-Glo pumpkin patch nearby. We didn't realize we would have to pay for parking in a mowed down cornfield so we were scrambling for dough in the change compartments for us and Megan and Uni who were in the car in front of us. I think it was $8 a car - CRAZY for corn parking right?! Anyway we found enough and went in to the farm. They had a haunted barn (which is was REALLY scary) It was pitch black and I mean you could not see in front of you - you had to reach out your hands and feel along the creepy old barn walls with who knows what on them. There were dressed up scary people like Pinhead from that movie - whatever that was called - and they would walk past you in the dark and touch you and then you would have to scream just because. I was clutching the back of Dave but when one of the scary people walked by Dave kicked me by accident in the shin and stepped on my flip flopped foot! I was bruised and deliciously scared. Gabby bailed before we even got through the front door - it would have been too scary for her anyway. Dad went through a few times! He's crazy.

There was a million things to do there. The kids went on pony rides (it was Rui's 1st time on a pony) and their names were Rainbow and Polkaroo (the guys said he won the horse in a poker game). Rui insisted that the horse was Bullseye from Toy Story 2. We took so many great pictures that day.
They had a maze plowed through the corn and in the middle was a tall play structure/lookout where you could see over the corn. So cool.
There was an inflatable pumpkin and climber and big stacks of hay bales to climb high in the sky! There were tons of animals to pet and feed including a BIG COW named Norm. Then the best part of the day... The haunted hayride. It started off kind of blah. The driver of the tractor was a guy with a black painted face and super scary nose. He was not smiling. You walked up this huge ramp into the back of the trailer and sat on hay all around the outside. So it started driving along and all throughout the fields there were scarecrows with scary masks, there was a UFO and big green alien and even a cemetary with bones and an old Hearse parked in the fields. Then we entered the witches forest. We didn't know what to expect but we were pleasantly surprised. Some witches had a cabin in the forest, and a fire going with scary music in the background. The witches came out of their house and chatted with all the people on the ride and Rui (who was 3 at the time) was yelling back to the witches that he couldn't stay with them "We have to MOVE ON!" he was saying. OMG we all were laughing so much and my sister Laura captured the whole witch exchange on video with her digital camera! So amazing. We still watch it now every now and again and enjoy it.

If I can figure out how to post the video I will - it's short but awesome!
This had to be the best $8 we ever spent because everything else inside, including the hayride was free.
When we returned home from Kim-glo - all 11 of us - Kim, Dave, Gabriella, Rui, Laura, Cam, Tierney, Megan, Unison, Mom and Dad - the turkey was perfectly cooked and all we had to do was finish the sidedishes, set the table and eat, eat, eat.
So do something unexpected and unplanned. Take an adventure one day. Just look up something local and go without too much preparation. You won't be sorry!
Blog about a favorite event of your childhood.
I will have to think about this one and blog another day!
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Interesting to know.
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