Monday, October 8, 2007

There once was Princess Jasmine
You have probably heard her name
She will go to great lengths
And show all of her strength
To win is the name of her game!

Now Our Jas, she has no fear
So listen, lend me your ear
To sparkle her eye
She used Zip-Dry
And the crowd did give a big cheer

Jasmine - inspired use of adhesive. It was a very proud moment!


Anonymous said...

OMG I Love it!!!!! Thanks for the tribute Kim. You know now I need to scrapbook it!!

KimmyKimKim said...

Hee hee hee!
I was hoping you would find that!
Too funny.
I say go for sequins on top of the glitter on top of the zipdry on top of your eyelids.
What I wanna know is - how well did it come off and did it leave any marks??? LOL!

Amanda said...

SHE'S CRAZY!!! Hope that came off okay...people will do anything to win!!!! ;0) xoxo Amanda

Anonymous said...

LOL that is TOO funny!!!! Except someone should write a poem about you and your booby prize! hehehe