Monday, May 28, 2007

My Name is Kim and I am an Addict!!

I have been addicted to scrapbooking for just over a year now. AND I LOVE IT.
I hope I never get bored of it.

Welcome to my scrapblog. I have a family one as well and thought I might as well just start this one up to share my craziness with all of you!

Enjoy.. Please feel free to comment!!



Amanda said...

Welcome to the scrapping blog world Kim! Loving your layouts! I like the butterfly one! That's cool!!!

And I'm glad you have a new best friend!!! ;-) Aren't kids wonderful?! I hope it lasts!!! (My brother told my mom that he would marry her one day!! Didn't keep his word though!!!)

KimmyKimKim said...

Yo Amanda! Thanks for checking my blog out! That's so cool.
I read yours once in a while... I like looking at the person's scrapbooking studio you have linked on there - is her name Donna or something?? It is amazing...!!! I drool when I think about it.

jenn said...

loving your scrapblog :)